Monat: Oktober 2020

Fidelity Digital estende i servizi di custodia Bitcoin al mercato asiatico

La custodia di Crypto in Asia sta per vedere un’ulteriore espansione, poiché Fidelity Digital Asset Services (FDAS) estende i suoi servizi alla regione. I Fidelity Partner con i Fondi Stack per offrire Crypto Custody Secondo Bloomberg, Fidelity Digital è destinata ad offrire servizi di custodia crittografica a persone ed entità ad alto valore in Asia. …

Fidelity Digital estende i servizi di custodia Bitcoin al mercato asiatico Weiterlesen »

Blockchain energy platform supported by Siemens makes demonstration in Germany

The German state energy project uses DLT to enable transparent transactions. A blockchain-based energy trading platform supported by the German technology group Siemens was publicly demonstrated in Bavaria today The so-called „Pebbles“ project, which stands for „peer-to-peer energy trading based on blockchains“, organized a virtual demonstration of its blockchain marketplace platform for optimized electricity trading. …

Blockchain energy platform supported by Siemens makes demonstration in Germany Weiterlesen »

New York interroge les entreprises de cryptographie sur les mesures de sécurité après le piratage de Twitter

Le département des services financiers de New York a constaté que les entreprises de cryptographie bloquaient les adresses cryptographiques des pirates Twitter dans les 40 minutes. Le département des services financiers de New York, ou NYDFS, a publié un long rapport analysant l’impact du piratage Twitter très médiatisé de juillet , qui a entraîné le …

New York interroge les entreprises de cryptographie sur les mesures de sécurité après le piratage de Twitter Weiterlesen »

Nämä tärkeät mittarit tekevät Bitcoinista nousevamman tapauksen

Bitcoinin arvo on noussut viime viikolla ja on tällä hetkellä 11, 377 dollaria. Digitaalisen omaisuuden arvo saavutti huippunsa pari päivää sitten 11 731 dollarissa, mutta ei pystynyt pitämään tätä tasoa ja putosi alemmaksi. BTC: n pysyminen 11 000 dollarin rajan yläpuolella on kuitenkin ollut merkki helpotuksesta useimmille kauppiaille, kun he jatkavat panostamista kolikon nousevaan tulevaisuuteen …

Nämä tärkeät mittarit tekevät Bitcoinista nousevamman tapauksen Weiterlesen »

Hedge fund manager warns: Does Bitcoin fall back to pre-corona level with these shares?

Will Bitcoin and shares fall back to pre-corona level? Bitcoin faces the prospect of broader downward corrections as hedge funds cut stocks that rose impressively during the coronavirus pandemic. According to the Financial Times, some fund managers have increased their bets against stocks in technology, home fitness equipment, food retailing and healthcare. Tim Campbell of …

Hedge fund manager warns: Does Bitcoin fall back to pre-corona level with these shares? Weiterlesen »